What Will Play Out as Time Goes On? Store Silver & Gold or....
Dr.Michael Burry, John Paulson, and many others were the cynics of their time a priori to the 2007-2008 recession. The characters were negative on the economy and housing for years and suffered unrelenting losses leading up to the housing crash. As the tide shifted outwards, many asset managers were found with their pants down. Our characters were elevated to legendary status. We have now come full circle, our characters are again the cynics about the governing of monetary policies across the world. They have followed Warren Buffett's rule dubbed "Noah's rule": Predicting rain doesn't count; building arks does. The portfolio arks have been built. But the story does not end as many of these Ark style portfolios suffer from dry rot. Instability is within their capital base, not only from lower market valuations, but from investor redemption. Recent months have made matters worse, and the picture only seem to get gloomier. I believe it is good to keep a balanced Munger/Socratic mindset. So the below video should do well in that aim:
"All intelligent investing is value investing - acquiring more than you are paying for. You must value the business in order to value the stock." - Charles T. Munger. Subscribing to a diverse set of philosophies originating from Benjamin Graham and Philip Fisher to modernized concepts of Behavioral Finance, Value/Special Situations Investing and Active Selective Contrarian Index/Portfolio Investing.